Our Family

Life was “swell” for our family back in 2014.

Luke (5th grade) and Serenna (1st grade) were acing classes, Adam had mostly left his job in finance and was teaching classes as a university professor. Lindsay was working for friends in landscape design. We had even managed a huge summer roadtrip together. Healthy and happy – yeah: swell!

Yet, as parents, we noted that our kids were missing out on a deeper educational experience. While they were both ‘all-A’ students, Luke was having issues with reading comprehension and writing that were being glossed over. Serenna struggled with math.

We figured that we could make homeschooling an experiment – a family adventure. If it wasn’t working out, we could put the kids back in school. A single semester turned into multiple years.

Not only have we developed the curriculum in house, but Luke (Statistics) and Serenna (Strategy) have been highly involved in creating the materials. Furthermore, some of Adam’s most gifted former college students work at LOCAJ, adding their own perspective, wit, and genius to the finished product. The company is a culmination of our efforts over the last decade or so.


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